BTS owner Tammy Kovar gives interview with Green Connection US’s Vicki Chelf
BTS owner Tammy Kovar gives interview with Green Connection US’s Vicki Chelf on using “Friendly Bacteria” to improve the soil fertility of your garden.
BTS owner Tammy Kovar gives interview with Green Connection US’s Vicki Chelf on using “Friendly Bacteria” to improve the soil fertility of your garden.
Biological Tree Services staff volunteers their time in trying to save landmark tree in front of Lee County Court House.
Staff from BTS attend Tropical night dinner in aid of Meals on Wheels and contribute $1000 to this worthy cause.
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services recently confirmed the detection of laurel wilt disease in a Persea sp. from Manatee County. The location was approximately 3 miles west of Myakka City on SR 70.
Biological Tree Services, along with founder and CEO, Tammy Kovar, works with the mayor in City of Bradenton Project.